A daylong Natural Gas Vehicle Workshop focusing on the potential benefits of natural gas vehicles in large fleet operations will be held from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., Wednesday, June 15, at the University of Tennessee's Conference Center Building.
"The Compelling Case for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV)" Fleet Workshop is designed for public and private fleet managers and for clean air/clean transportation policymakers. It will include presentations on which applications are best for NGV programs, the different types of vehicles available and their roles as well as information about federal and state tax incentives, fuel costs and savings.
There will also be a presentation by managers who already operating natural gas vehicles in their fleets.
The event is being co-hosted by several organizations including East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition and the City of Knoxville. The workshop costs $45 until June 10 and $55 afterwards and that fee will cover all the course materials plus a continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments.
"This is a great way to get the latest information about natural gas vehicles; what options are available if you are a fleet director," said Jake Tisinger, the city's sustainability coordinator. "It will cover the incentives that are out there, help calculate the return on investment and there will be presentations concerning which vehicles are best suited for various tasks. It will give everyone a comprehensive look at these vehicles and the opportunities they present."
Other co-hosts of the workshop are the Clean Vehicle Foundation, Clean Cities of Middle Tennessee, Clean Fuels Coalition of West Tennessee, Tennessee Gas Association and the Land-of-Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition.