Currently, coal is a major resource for energy production in the region. We depend on the burning of fossil fuels, which are limited in our environment. As our growing population demands more and more energy, it becomes increasingly difficult to generate. Energy conservation prevents unnecessary pollution from entering the environment and keeps utility prices affordable through weatherization and decreased demand for electricity. Many energy-saving home improvement measures quickly pay for themselves and then some.
Ultimately, reduced demand for traditional electricity allows for profitable alternative energy solutions. Alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind, are renewable and have little or no environmental impact. The City has installed solar arrays at the Convention Center, the Knox Area Transit terminal, Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center, and several other locations. However, there is a lot you can do in your own home to reduce our city’s total energy need.
Zero-Cost Household Energy Savings:
• Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Leave a note on the door as a reminder.
• Wash clothes in cold water
• Set thermostat as close to the outside temperature as you comfortably can
• Ensure air vents are free to breathe in trafficked rooms
Inexpensive Household Energy Savings:
• Seal leaks around doors and windows with caulk or weather stripping.
• Replace light bulbs with LEDs as they burn out.
• Purchase a smart power strip. These completely shut off devices when not in use.
Resources for East Tennessee Residents:
Savings in the House is a project of the Smarter Cities Partnership and aims to reduce citizens’ utility bills and eliminate wasted energy through weatherization.

Tennessee Energy Education Initiative provides
training, tools, and potential funding options to help Tennessee organizations take control of their energy usage and educate residents on the importance and value of sustainable energy management.

Energy Right Solutions offers practical advice for citizens and businesses to prevent wasted energy. Qualifying efficiency upgrades are eligible for rebates, and save money almost immediately. From simple weatherization fixes to in-depth energy overhauls, checkhere first.

Solar Knoxville Program was created in 2008, when the U.S. Department of Energy selected Knoxville become a Solar America Cities partner and help accelerate the adoption of solar energy technologies by removing market barriers through a comprehensive, city-wide approach. Solar Knoxville provides updates on the city’s continued installation of solar panels on its property as well as resources forcitizens to find affordable solar solutions for their own homes.

Smarter Cities Partnership is a partnership between the City of Knoxville and IBM. In 2013, through their Smarter Cities Challenge, IBM awarded the City $400,000 in technical assistance to evaluate strategies to implement energy efficiency services and utility bill assistance in low-income populations, with an overall goal of reducing energy consumption and money spent on wasted energy.