Our daily actions can impact the health of our watershed and our water supply. Dripping car oils, fertilizers, soaps, road salts, and other chemicals can pollute runoff from impervious surfaces and find their way into our local rivers. We must treat every gallon of water we put down the drain before reuse.
The pollutants in our water generally come from agricultural runoff, sewage and storm water discharge, as well as runoff from construction and development. Water absorbs these pollutants and drains directly into our rivers, streams and our drinking water supply. As more of these pollutants enter our rivers and streams, fragile ecosystems suffer, flooding increases, and cleaning our drinking water becomes more expensive. With our city’s extensive water system and its many recreational opportunities, from fishing to boating and paddling the
blueways, our water is worth protecting.
Reduce Your Demand for Water:
Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered.
Water lawn or garden in the evening to reduce evaporation.
Shorten showers.
Check toilets and faucets for leaks.
Consider purchasing a rain barrel
Prevent Water Pollution:
Never dispose of food waste, trash, or medication in the sink or toilet.
Never wash your car on the driveway, where soap can run into the road.
Avoid synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in your lawn or garden.
Resources for East Tennessee residents:

TVA constantly monitors and works to improve the quality of the water under its management. To learn more about the importance of a healthy watershed and TVA’s
work to maintain ours, go

2014 Consumer Confidence Report details the composition and safety of our water, pollution
prevention measures for residents, and the processes used to treat our water.

City of Knoxville Stormwater Engineering Division is responsible for monitoring the quality of stormwater, as well as planning its use and path through
the water supply. Additionally, they work alongside developers to ensure that new construction does not negatively affect the water supply.
Ijams Nature Center provides recreation as well as environmental education and the importance of conservation. The Knoxville Water Quality Forum hosts Water Fest at Ijams each year to educate students about local watersheds and their health, conservation, and the diverse aquatic life found in the Tennessee Valley.
Water Quality Hotline: 865-215-4147
Call this number to report illegal dumping in creeks, streams, catch basins, or any area draining into streams or sewer systems.