The purpose of Redistricting is to ensure substantially equal populations in a city’s voting districts or wards.
On November 2, 2021, City Council adopted
this ordinance, which left in place the district boundaries adopted in the 2011 redistricting process.
September 16, 2021
Knoxville City Council Redistricting Workshop |
City Council held a workshop on September 16, 2021 to learn about current conditions from the 2020 Census and its legal requirements in redistricting.
Based on the City’s current conditions, district boundaries may not need to be changed.
It is presently expected that City Council will consider readopting the existing district map at its October 19, 2021 Regular Meeting.
The current district map was adopted in 2011 after the 2010 Census.
Files from workshop:
• Workshop Agenda Packet [PDF]
• Current Conditions of City Council Districts [PDF]. File also includes deviation numbers from ideal population and includes demographic characteristics.
• Knoxville Redistricting Memo from UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service [PDF]. File also includes Tennessee's Guide to Local Government Redistricting in Tennessee.
• Census 2020 Population by City Council Districts from Knoxville-Knox County Planning Commission [PDF]. File also includes demographic characteristics of Knoxville and Council Districts.
City's Code of Ordinances and Charter
Redistricting Information |
704. - Redistricting.
Districts shall be reapportioned every ten (10) years based upon the most recent federal census. The council shall have prepared a redistricting ordinance providing for districts which are relatively compact, contiguous, representative of social and community interests, and as equal in population as reasonably practicable. The ordinance shall be adopted within one hundred twenty (120) days of the publication of the national census of the State of Tennessee.
Section 402. - Same - Qualifications of council-members.
District councilmembers must reside in their districts for one (1) year prior to taking office and shall continue to live therein during the period of service. Provided, that in the event a district councilmember's residence ceases to be within that said district because of redistricting as provided herein, the councilmember shall continue to serve for the numbered district for the remainder of the term.
Current Locations of
City Council Districts |

City Council Districts on KGIS Maps