From 2015-2017, the City's Office of Sustainability helped implement the Knoxville Extreme Energy Makeover (KEEM), a program to improve the quality, comfort, and affordability of Knoxville homes through energy efficiency.
In 2015, TVA selected Knoxville to receive $15 million through its two-year Smart Communities Extreme Energy Makeover project - the largest award granted.
The KEEM project team was led by the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC) in partnership with the City of Knoxville, Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB), and the Alliance to Save Energy.

The program represented an unprecedented amount of one-time funding for energy efficiency and weatherization in the City:
• $15 million invested in Knoxville, with $8.5 million going to local, small businesses.
• Over 1,700 residents educated through 150+ Savings in the House workshops.
• 1,278 lower-income households received comprehensive weatherization and energy efficiency upgrades, which are projected to save over 6,086,500 kWh in energy annually. These savings help our community avoid 4,300 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions - the equivalent to taking 914 cars off the road.
Although KEEM has ended, the City continues to work with the Knoxville Smarter Cities Partnership and other groups to help residents reduce energy consumption and increase home comfort. Ongoing programs include KUB's Round It Up and Home Uplift, TVA's EnergyRight, and the City's Savings in the House.
Celebrating Success
• Successful KEEM Weatherization Program Concludes
• Knoxville Extreme Energy Makeover Celebrates Its First Year
• KEEM Team helps Knoxville family cut costs on their utility bill