The Operations Center, located at the Public Works Service Center on 3131 Morris Avenue, is the hub of operations for the Public Service Department. Between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., eleven employees handle the day-to-day office duties of payroll, data entry, processing requests from E-911/KPD and residents.
In addition, members of this staff address private requests to remove dead animals, provide janitorial services for the public works complex, and monitor and remove all illegal signage from the City of Knoxville.
Should an emergency arise, the operations center is equipped and trained to quickly coordinate, dispatch, and respond to the community's immediate needs.
In conjunction with Knox County Juvenile Court and the State of Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole, members of this team also supervise juvenile offenders and adults felons as they pickup litter to fulfill court-ordered community service.
If you have a questions or a request for one of the services that we provide, please contact the Operations Center at 865-215-4311 or submit an
online request.
For more information on this area and the services they provide, please choose from the links provided below:
• Dead Animal Removal
• Snow and Ice Removal
KPD Non-Emergency Phone Number
865-215-7000 |