Tree Mitigation Bank

Public Service Director

Rachel Butzler
[email protected]
(865) 215-6015

3131 Morris Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37909

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The Tree Mitigation Bank is established as a more creative, alternative means to meet the spirit and intent of requirements concerning the planting and maintaining of trees and landscaping as specified in the Knoxville City Code. 

Application For Tree Mitigation Bank (Fillable) - [PDF]
Application For Tree Mitigation Bank (Printable) - [PDF]

The current price per tree for the Tree Mitigation Bank is $553.29.
Tree Bank Prices for 2021 - [PDF]


Sec. 14-38. –Tree Mitigation Bank

The Tree Mitigation Bank is established as a more creative, alternative means to meet the spirit and intent of requirements concerning the planting and maintaining of trees and landscaping as specified in the Knoxville City Code. 

a. Application.  To participate in the Tree Mitigation Bank, a written request must be approved by the City of Knoxville Urban Forester. 

b. Comparable Trees.  Upon approval of a request to participate in the Tree Mitigation Bank, the Urban Forester will determine what trees to be planted on public grounds or rights-of-way would be comparable to the trees or landscaping otherwise required on-site by the City Code.  The approved participant will then pay a one-time, flat cost estimate for the planting and maintenance of such comparable trees.  The Urban Forester will maintain a list of a variety of appropriate trees, along with costs.  The flat cost estimate for planting and initial maintenance of comparable trees is three times the base price for the City to purchase the comparable tree. 

c. Tree Mitigation Bank Administration.  Funds paid into the Tree Mitigation Bank will be used for the sole purpose of planting and maintaining trees on public grounds and rights-of-way at the direction of the Urban Forester.  As essential infrastructure, the Urban Forester will endeavor to ensure that trees planted pursuant to the Tree Mitigation Bank are located in the nearby vicinity or watershed of the land development with which they are associated.  Upon request, the Urban Forester will provide an annual advisory report to the City Tree Board regarding the operation of the Tree Mitigation Bank.