The City of Knoxville will host a public meeting regarding the proposed reorganization of Article IV of the City of Knoxville's zoning ordinance on Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cansler YMCA, 616 Jessamine St.
Article IV is the part of the City's zoning ordinance that contains each of the specific zone districts that are used in the City of Knoxville. These districts have been reorganized into four sections based on the similarity of process used for development approvals within each district. No changes to any of the specific zone districts are proposed. Supplementary language has been added in an attempt to provide clarity and make the code more user-friendly.
The reorganization remains consistent with the proposed amendment that was recommended for approval by the MPC at its July 10, 2008 meeting, but deferred by City Council at its August 26, 2008 meeting, pending additional review by a consultant hired by the City.
The proposed reorganization has been edited as a result of further review by the consultant, City of Knoxville administration, and MPC staff. Following the Jan. 15 meeting a decision will be made on when to schedule the proposed Article IV for consideration by City Council.