Mayor Rogero, Senior Staff, City Council Meet for Mid-Year Budget Review

On Friday, February 8, 2019, Mayor Madeline Rogero, senior City staff and City Council met for a mid-year budget review, which included updates on major City initiatives.
The annual budget retreat was held at the City’s Public Works Service Center, 3131 Morris Ave.
If you missed the discussion, Community Television of Knoxville (CTV) live-streamed the proceedings. Visit its website - - to view the video.
Or visit the City’s website - - to see the
reports and presentations from today's budget retreat, the first step in the public process of preparing a budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year.
Senior Finance Director Jim York talked about the
City's strong financial health, including the City's all-time high bond ratings, and what to expect in upcoming trends and sources of revenue.
Mayor Rogero and Deputies to the Mayor Bill Lyons and David Brace then presented an overview of City services and initiatives. (On the City’s website, you can view the presentation, entitled
“Investing in an Inclusive, Thriving & Sustainable City.”)
The presentation addressed the question: What makes a great city? Brace and Lyons detailed quality core services and ways the City is investing in people (neighborhoods, affordable housing, health, accessibility, youth and social services).
The retreat closed with a discussion of "big ideas" that create prosperity, opportunities and a higher quality of life. The program included detailed updates on citywide economic development initiatives and public investments in infrastructure that are leveraging far larger private investment.
The annual budget retreat with City Council marks the start of the City’s budget planning process.
City department directors are finalizing their budget requests and will present them to the Mayor during the Mayor's Budget Hearings on March 25, 27 and 28.
Mayor Rogero will present her proposed 2019-20 budget at the April 26 State of the City luncheon.
Two City Council votes are required to approve the Mayor’s proposed budget. They are tentatively scheduled for May 7 and May 21, 2019. In-between, Council will hold its own budget hearings and hear public input on May 16.
2019-2020 Budget Info
Six Month Financial Report [PDF]
Financial Update Presentation [PDF]
Investing in an Inclusive, Thriving & Sustainable City Presentation [PDF]
Budget Archive (Budgets from years 2001-2018)
February 8, 2019 -
City of Knoxville Budget Retreat and
Six Month Financial Report released.
February -
April, 2019 - Departments Submit Budget Requests, Base Numbers Calculated, and Capital Budget Prepared
March 25, 27 & 28 2019 -
Mayor's Budget Hearings
April 26, 2019 -
Mayor's State of the City Address
May 16, 2019 -
City Council Budget Hearings & Public Hearing
May 7, 2019 -
First Reading of Budget & Tax Ordinances
May 9, 2019 -
Planning Commission Hearing on Capital Improvement Program
May 21, 2019 -
Second Reading of Budget & Tax Ordinances
June 15, 2019 - Last Possible Day to Approve Budget/Tax Ordinances
July 1, 2019 - New Fiscal Year Begins