Since 2021, Knoxville has invested $62.5 million for public safety, water quality, street paving and other projects, thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act.
“We’re extremely grateful for the ARPA funding,” Mayor Indya Kincannon said. “These important projects need to get done, but they’re so expensive, Knoxville could not have done this alone. The game-changing effects of ARPA will be felt for generations to come.”
The most recent of the roughly 40 ARPA-funded projects that are benefiting Knoxville – a water-quality study to address Chilhowee Park flooding – was authorized last week.
For decades, hard rains have flooded Lake Ottosee in Chilhowee Park and overwhelmed sinkholes and low-lying areas off Prosser Road and at the Rutledge Pike / Interstate 40 interchange.
Until now, remedying the flooding has proven difficult, due to a complicated network of underground caverns and sinkholes.
Last Tuesday night (Sept. 19, 2023), City Council authorized Mayor Kincannon’s staff to execute a $210,858 agreement with Geosyntec Consultants to do a comprehensive study of several problematic drainage areas in the Loves Creek Watershed. When finished next year, the study will detail flood mitigation options.
This ARPA-funded project is one of seven underway to address flood-prone areas, to correct erosion problems, and to improve water quality at parks. Other project sites include: Bluegrass Lake (in partnership with Knox County); Cherry Street; Baum and Erin drives; Mary Vestal Park; Rock City Ballfield; and Holston River Park.
Here’s a partial list of other ways ARPA is supporting Knoxville:
“Hero pay” for first responders during the pandemic – $2.15 million
Funds to help renovate the closed St. Mary’s Hospital into the new Public Safety Complex, and to purchase adjacent property for an urgent care and behavioral health facility – $3.4 million
Street paving – $7.3 million
Jackson Avenue and other sidewalk improvements – $1.9 million
Support for Community Action Committee programs – $2 million
Grants to United Way non-profits – $1 million
Grants to support local artists and non-profits, administered by the Art and Culture Alliance – $1.3 million
For more information on how federal funds are helping Knoxville, please go to: KnoxvilleTN.gov/ARPA.