You don’t have to be Irish to enjoy the 2024 Knox St. Patrick’s Day Parade when it marches down Gay Street through downtown Knoxville on Saturday, March 16, 2024.
The following roads will close at 10:45 a.m.:
Hill Avenue between Hall of Fame Drive and Walnut Street
Council Place between Sevier Avenue and Gay Street
Gay Street between Main Street and Sevier Avenue
Gay Street between Main Street and Magnolia Avenue will close at 12:15 p.m. All road closure times are subject to change.
The parade steps off from the corner of Gay Street and Main at 1 p.m. and proceeds down Gay Street to Magnolia Avenue, where it will disband.
Actor and comedian Josh Mancuso, also known as the “College Mascot Guy,” will serve as the parade’s Grand Marshal. Visit
www.KnoxStPatricksParade.com for more details. Proceeds support Catholic Charities of East Tennessee.
On Sunday, March 17, Barley’s St. Patrick’s Day 5K will temporarily close some roads in the Old City, Emory Place, Fourth & Gill and the World’s Fair Park. Jackson Avenue between N. Central Street and Morgan will be closed 1-4 p.m. The run starts at 2 p.m. Visit
MapMyRun.com for a map of the route.
The City of Knoxville’s Office of Special Events assists event planners with the closures of city roads. Learn more at KnoxvilleTN.gov/Events.