Save Our Sons is excited to announce the City of Knoxville Save Our Sons Positive Engagement With Law Enforcement Workshop Saturday, March 31, 2018 from 10 a.m to 2:30 p.m. at the Knoxville Police Department's Training Center located at 6838 Cement Plant Road.
KPD is offering free transportation and will pick up attendees at 9:30 a.m. from the Phyllis Wheatley YWCA, 124 Cruze Street. Lunch is sponsored by The Change Center and catered by Jackie’s Dream Café, 2223 McCalla Ave.
Save Our Sons wants to encourage young men and boys of color, ages 14-24, to be part of the change and open communication they wish to see from law enforcement. The speakers and programs presented during the workshop are designed to encourage attendees to be active participants in shaping their destiny.
The Workshop will include the following speakers:
TaKisha Fitzgerald, Assistant District Attorney General - Knox County Attorney General's Office, will challenge participants to determine their own destiny.
Chief David Rausch, Knoxville Police Department Chief of Police, will speak on mock stops, do a question and answer session, and provide interactive simulations for learning.
Clarence Vaughn, Director of the City's Police Advisory Review Committee, will share information on knowing your rights.
More information:
For more information contact Kevin Perry at 865-215-2589 or
[email protected] or Tatia M. Harris, 865-215-2831 or
[email protected].