KUB is committed to providing safe, high-quality drinking water to the community, and makes its annual Water Quality Report available online at
www.KUB.org/2021KUBWaterQuality or by request to KUB at 865-524-2911.
The Water Quality Report details KUB’s water quality record, stringent monitoring and testing, and the maintenance of its water system. The report also informs the community and instills confidence regarding the quality of the water KUB provides.
May 1-7, 2022 is Drinking Water Week, and KUB encourages its customers to learn more about KUB water in the report and online at
Report highlights:
KUB’s state certified water quality laboratory performs over 100,000 tests per year – many more than required by state and federal laws
KUB checks for more than 150 contaminants to ensure drinking water and waterways are safe
Through KUB’s Century II infrastructure maintenance program, KUB replaces a portion of its water pipes each year with pipe that is designed to last for an average of 100 years.
KUB water plays an important role in the community, supporting industry and the people who live here. Water is vital to our lives, and KUB is proud to provide this service to its customers.
To find out more about KUB’s commitment to clean, safe drinking water, what you can do to protect our rivers, or how to reserve the H2O To Go mobile water station, visit