Installing traffic-calming devices, such as speed humps, on small residential streets is popular with many City residents. Mayor Indya Kincannon’s current budget includes $1.25 million to expand neighborhood traffic slow-down measures.
But what can be done, and what should be prioritized, when it comes to speeding on the city’s heavier-volume main roads, such as Washington Pike, Lonas Drive or Central Street?
The solution starts with a short survey to be taken by the people of Knoxville who drive the streets as part of their daily commutes. Traffic engineers want to hear about people’s everyday experiences and frustrations in sharing the roadways that so many types of users rely on.
Click here to take the 5-minute survey:
The City’s citywide study aims to partner with the public in identifying major corridors with traffic speed concerns and developing tools to mitigate these issues.

Specifically, this project is intended to help traffic planners find ways to improve safety associated with excessive vehicle speeds on major roads. While traffic-calming devices work well on smaller residential streets, they generally aren’t an option for larger traffic arterial and collector streets.
(What’s considered a major street? Click on this plan, prepared by Knoxville-Knox County Planning:
Preliminary traffic data analysis has identified some priority roadways, and these are highlighted in the survey: Bob Gray Road, Cecil Avenue, Cedar Lane, Central Street, Cherokee Trail, Deane Hill Drive, Fifth Avenue, Gleason Drive, Inskip Road/Bruhin Road, Lonas Drive, Lyons View Pike, Main Street, Morrell Road, Pleasant Ridge Road, Sutherland Avenue, Texas Avenue, Washington Pike and Woodland Avenue.
However, feedback through the survey can be directed toward any roadway in the city, not just the highlighted corridors.
In addition to identifying places where speeding is rampant, respondents also are asked to identify streets where residents have concerns about safety, frequent congestion or bicycle/pedestrian conflicts with vehicles.
Responses to this survey will help City Engineering to further develop the list of roadways that merit additional detailed vehicle speed and volume studies. At the end of the process, strategies will be developed and recommended to help control excessive vehicle speeds.
This effort also supports the City’s “Vision Zero” goal to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries on Knoxville streets.
The survey is now open and remain available through Jan. 23, 2022.
Survey Tips
SURVEY TIPS: Click on markers (Bike/Ped Concern, Safety Concern, Speed Concern, etc.) and drag them onto the map to give your input and specifics.
