The City of Knoxville has embarked on a plan to create a Downtown North commercial and residential district. The goal is to create an integrated mixed use area with visual, pedestrian, vehicular and land use connections working together to capitalize on the revitalization of Downtown Knoxville and her historic near north neighborhoods.
Over the past three years this uniquely Knoxville community has made great strides in identifying itself as a special place with a special character. The most noticeable changes have come to the facades over 30 buildings that combined have seen over five million dollars of public and private money invested. There have also been changes made in public infrastructure and plans laid for even more change. Please browse through our website to find out what is happening in Downtown North.
Initial Project Plans you will find the documents that have underlain the work of both public and private development efforts.
Project History section is organized by year and lets you review the processes that have moved the public projects along.
Two current projects in the Downtown North area are:
North Central Streetscapes Project
I-275 Business Park Access Improvements Project
The section on the
Brownfield Assessment Grant will provide you with info regarding the $400,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to do an area wide assessment of the Downtown North I-275 Redevelopment area for brownfield sites.
Click map for a larger view of Downtown North area.