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We are committed to eliminating deaths and serious injuries on our streets. The strategies outlined in this action plan were developed to help guide the implementation efforts of the City and its partners to improve safety in Knoxville. 


The following immediate action items are intended to be the priority steps the City will take toward implementing the Vision Zero Action Plan. While this is an aggressive approach, we're committed to making Knoxville safer for all users, and we will update these action steps publicly based on performance and progress.

  • Apply for Safe Streets and Roads for All Implementation Grant for priority projects.
  • Support the Knoxville Vision Zero Steering Committee.
  • Collaborate with TDOT to prioritize, design, and fund safety projects on the HIN that are state maintained.
  • Implement safety improvements along the HIN prioritizing Tier 1 project segments.
  • Conduct demonstration projects to test new design ideas, engage the public, and implement safety improvements faster.
  • Evaluate success towards the goal of zero traffic deaths and severe injuries.
  • Launch a transparent data dashboard.


    Priority projects will be identified using the HIN and predictive analysis. These will be detailed with planning-level cost estimates, and implementation will be pursued over time in accordance with the Action Plan Framework and through other funding sources.

    Broadway-Woodland Corridor NORTH BROADWAY / WOODLAND AVENUE

    Both Broadway and Woodland Avenue present opportunities for targeted investments in high-crash corridors. Improvements on N Broadway include adding a shared-use path. This would also provide a valuable connection to the First Creek Greenway trail. On E Woodland Avenue, improvements include a shared-use path, reducing travel lanes from four to two, an on-road bike lane, and a refuge island at Fulton High School. 


    Improvements on E Magnolia Avenue are focused on two key intersections: Cherry Street and Hembree Street, although complete street improvements to benefit all roadway users are also recommended. Magnolia Ave is a 5-lane roadway with a wide outside shoulder. The intersection between Magnolia and Hembree Street was the site of a pedestrian fatality and currently there is no safe way to cross Hembree Street. The roadway here is above 70 feet wide. Crosswalks should be added to all legs of the intersection, with enhanced pedestrian protection through curb extensions, RRFBs or PHBs, and a pedestrian refuge island.