The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment publishes an almost-weekly newsletter,
The Neighborly Notice, which covers news of interest to Knoxville's resident-led, resident-controlled neighborhood organizations. See below for the most recent issues.
The newsletter is provided on most Tuesdays to neighborhood leaders and activists, and to others interested in the improvement and revitalization of Knoxville's neighborhoods.
To contribute a news article to the newsletter, please contact Debbie Sharp at 865-215-3232 or
[email protected]. The deadline to submit article requests is noon, the Friday before Tuesday's newsletter publication.

To receive this newsletter, go to and fill out the form, being sure to include your email address. You will then receive an automated email from “City of Knoxville, Office of Neighborhood Empowerment” asking that you verify your subscription. Click on the link provided. This second step completes the process, and you will receive a follow-up confirmation email.
Click on the date below to view newsletter in PDF format