
Vision Zero Coordinator

[email protected]
(865) 215-4430

400 Main St., Room 598
Knoxville, TN 37902

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  For complete information,
visit the City's Vision Zero Action Plan
City Vision Zero Action Plan

To comprehensively identify solutions for transportation safety challenges and organize recommended strategies, this action plan’s recommendations are organized into themes and Safe System categories.


1. Implement safety improvements on the High-Injury Network.
2. Use predictive analysis results to implement proactive safety improvements.
3. Improve left turn and U-turn safety.
4. Develop pedestrian and bicycle countermeasure guidance.
5. Improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and address gaps.
6. Expand the City's Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program.
7. Establish a city working group to coordinate regional Complete Streets efforts.
8. Improve roadway lighting, especially on the High-Injury Network.
9. Mitigate high speed fixed-object crashes on slopes and hill crests.
10. Address motorcycle safety issues.


1. Targeted reductions to off-street parking requirements.
2. Require new developments to consider bicycle and pedestrian impacts.
3. Expand bicycle parking requirements in appropriate locations.
4. Expand pedestrian- and transit-oriented design standards for developments.
5. Analyze regional barriers to compact development.


1. Incorporate the High-Injury Network, crash profiles and predictive analysis results into future plan updates.
2. Update the City's Complete Streets policy and coordinate with the TPO.
3. Audit bus stops along the High-Injury Network to identify both quick build strategies and long-term improvements needed, including ADA compliance.


1. Advance Vision Zero policies and hire or appoint a Vision Zero coordinator.
2. Monitor and improve existing safety policies.
3. Diversify safety funding sources and identify dedicated funding for vulnerable road user safety improvements.
4. Develop/update access management policies to reduce driveway conflicts.
5. Examine opportunities for lowering speed limits on commercial arterials.
6. Provide for pedestrian and bicycle mobility in existing or new maintenance of traffic policies.


1. Develop targeted roadway safety education and enforcement programs.
2. Prioritize vulnerable road user facility maintenance.
3. Spread awareness of and participation in Smart Trips, the existing regional transportation demand management (TDM) program.
4. Expand automated enforcement programs.
5. Improve crash data and transparency.
6. Establish a citywide safety evaluation working group to monitor performance measures.