The 2020 Neighborhood Conference will be held in the Knoxville Convention Center and there are are many options for parking and transportation.
400 spaces in the 11th Street UT Garage located on the corner of 11th Street and Cumberland Avenue are reserved for The Neighborhood Conference Attendees.
Another 200 or so parking spots are available across Cumberland Avenue at the Poplar Street Parking area.
Locust Street and Market Street Garages are free to park on weekends.

Another way to arrive at the conference is to ride
KAT (Knoxville Area Transit). Here is how: the morning of The Neighborhood Conference, pick up the bus closest to you and tell the bus driver that you are going to "The Neighborhood Conference." You will ride to the conference for free. Once at the conference, go to the KAT booth and receive your ticket to return home for free. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful service.
Lastly, we are encouraging neighborhood folks to carpool. If you and your neighbor are both attending, or several of you are attending, consider riding together. It will save gas and could be a great way to visit with your neighbors.