Chris Webster
Horticulture Manager
Public Grounds Maintenance (also known as Horticulture) consists of 45 employees and is responsible for all landscaping, mowing, tree planting and pruning, fertilization, and yard maintenance for all parks/greenways, Community Recreation Centers, Fire Halls, medians, etc.
Horticulture is divided into 6 divisions (Zones A, B, C, D, E & F).
Zone A is led by foreman Casey Byers and has the
responsibility of maintaining all City owned areas in North Knoxville.
Zone B is led by foreman Robbie Flood and has the
responsibility of maintaining all City owned areas in East Knoxville.
Zone C is led by foreman Fred Hickman and has the
responsibility of maintaining all City owned areas in West Knoxville.
Zone D is led by foreman John Hooper and has the responsibility of maintaining all City owned areas in South Knoxville.
Zone E is led by foreman Lucas McBee and has the responsibility of maintaining the downtown area of Knoxville.
Zone F is led by foreman Justin Lowery and has the responsibility of maintaining all the City's ballfields.
In addition to the work they perform, Horticulture also has
the responsibility of managing several mowing/landscaping
To view City of Knoxville Parks and Greenways, please visit the
Parks and Recreation page.