Due to constantly changing circumstances, we may be unable to run on schedule. Please be assured your brush will get collected. Thank you for your patience. |

leaf collection season runs from November through February.
During this period, the normal two-week brush schedule is suspended and all Public Service Department resources concentrate on collecting leaves throughout our community. Crews typically use the last week of February to transition equipment from leaf to brush collection.
The Public Service Department crews will visit your neighborhood to vacuum your loose leaves.
Please rake your leaves into rows at the edge of the street in an unobstructed area for easy collection. Be sure not to block access to sidewalks and other public infrastructure. Leaves raked to the alley are collected last.
Leaves are collected separately from garbage and recycled into mulch. The plastic bags used to hold bagged leaves compromise the mulching process so all leaves should be loose. Only bagged leaves that can be placed
inside your trash cart will be collected under the residential trash program. Bagged leaves next to the trash will not be collected as they are not considered bulky waste. Bulky waste pickup is reserved for household trash items too large to fit inside the garbage cart, such as a chair, shelving, or file cabinet.
If you have questions about leaf collection call 3-1-1 or 865-215-4311.
Last season the City of Knoxville collected over 7,000 tons of leaves that were processed for mulch and diverted from the landfill.