In partnership with the City of Knoxville, the
National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform(NICJR) conducted an analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the violence reduction
programs, resources, and services currently available to the Knoxville community. By
reviewing more than 15 programs during this assessment, this study aims to highlight
promising programs and initiatives as well as identify areas where Knoxville requires
additional support to effectively address gun violence within the city.

In collaboration with leaders from Knoxville's Office of Community Safety and Empowerment, NICJR began by identifying community-based organizations throughout the city that are working in fields of violence prevention, violence intervention, and community transformation. We then completed a review of identified organizations’ websites and engaged in discussions with some of the organizations most directly focused on violence reduction to gain deeper insights into available services.
This assessment has confirmed that Knoxville is dedicated to mitigating gun violence, understanding its local impact, and seeking guidance and resources to enhance support for those in need. At the same time, our research sheds light on local deficiencies related to gun violence. Notably, there are a limited number of programs and services in Knoxville, and those primarily focus on community transformation and violence prevention (via youth development) rather than immediate violence intervention. Although the existing Office of Community Safety and Empowerment (OCSE) is evidence of Knoxville’s commitment to creating a safe and healthy environment for its residents, only one community-based organization in Knoxville is exclusively devoted to working with individuals at the very highest risk of gun violence.