Starting the week of Oct. 23, 2023, 10 new Downtown Stop-n-Go parking spaces will be in effect on Wall Avenue, which fronts the north end of Market Square downtown.
These spaces, designated strategically throughout downtown to support businesses and their patrons, allow people to turn on their vehicle’s flashers and park for free for 15 minutes.
“Downtown Stop-n-Go is ideal for people wanting to complete a quick errand, like visiting their bank or picking up take-out from a restaurant,” said City Parking Manager Mark Elliott. “We anticipate the addition of these 10 very short-term free parking spaces on Wall Avenue to be welcomed and very popular.”

Additionally, four of eight commercial parking spaces on Wall Avenue are being reassigned as 2-hour metered parking.
No parking will be allowed along the Market Square-fronting southern side of Wall Avenue, which will be marked by a yellow painted curb.
Anticipate Knoxville Police Department officers and cadets to be educating drivers about the new dos and don’ts of parking along Wall Avenue, and Public Building Authority traffic enforcement officers will initially be issuing warnings.
However, starting Nov. 1, KPD and PBA will begin issuing citations to motorists who overstay their 15 minutes in the Stop-n-Go spaces, or who park in 2-hour spaces with expired meters, or to anyone parking along the no-parking yellow curb.

To view a map showing the new parking configuration, visit
www.KnoxvilleTN.gov/Parking or
click here for a PDF of the map.
Note: Motorists should anticipate a few temporary no-parking zones on Sunday, Oct. 22.
To restripe the affected areas on Wall Avenue to create the new parking spaces, Wall Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic from 7 a.m. until about 10 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 22. No parking will be allowed on Wall Avenue that morning from 6 a.m. to noon, and vehicles parked on Wall Avenue during that time will be towed.
Once the Wall Avenue restriping is completed, City crews will move to the 300 and 400 blocks of Gay Street to restripe existing metered parking spaces there.
Gay Street will remain open to vehicular traffic, though intermittent delays are possible. No parking will be allowed on both the 300 and 400 blocks of Gay Street from 6 a.m. to noon on Sunday, Oct. 22. Vehicles parked there will be towed.