All4Knox (
All4Knox.org) is a joint effort of Knox County and the City of Knoxville with facilitation and coordination support from Metro Drug Coalition, the Knox County District Attorney General’s Office and the Knox County Health Department that hopes to bring together governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, faith-based communities and many others in a coordinated effort to address the substance misuse epidemic.
Many groups are working diligently to address this epidemic in our community, but it is challenging for any single agency to maintain a comprehensive, big picture view of what every partner is doing.
The long-term goal of the All4Knox movement is to develop a communitywide strategic plan to reduce non-fatal overdoses and overdose death in our community. Many themes and overarching goals were developed at the Mayor’s Summit in October 2018. Another summit will be held this summer to launch the resulting strategic plan.
All4Knox.org is one place where the community can find comprehensive information about efforts to address this epidemic. The website certainly doesn’t include every effort, nor every agency working to address the substance misuse epidemic, but it is a first step in that direction. It will provide information about community efforts, this website will be continuously updated to house details about the summer Summit, planning documents and, eventually, the strategic plan.
Suggestions or questions may be emailed to
[email protected].