Launching "Try Transit Week," Mayor Rogero and a group of City employees who regularly ride KAT buses took the Route 42 bus to lunch at the Sunspot on Cumberland Avenue. They returned to the City County Building aboard the Route 11 bus.
Remember: Cumberland Avenue is open for business during the street reconstruction, and it's easy to get to your favorite merchant or restaurant. If you ride KAT, you can board at no cost in KAT's Free Fare Zone.
"Try Transit Week" continues into the wekeend, and it features a variety of activities and events aimed at introducing new improvements to the transit system and making it easy for people to try them out. A new East Knoxville Superstop, a new neighborhood service bus, and a new trip planning system will all be rolled out during "Try Transit Week."
At 2 p.m. Thursday, "Try Transit Week" will include a ribbon-cutting for the new East Superstop on Kirkwood Street, which will make it even easier for more riders to transfer on buses.
Free Rides Friday gives everyone the opportunity to ride fare-free while trying out KAT’s new Google Trip Planner.
On Saturday, KAT is organizing rides with neighborhood groups to and from the Market Square Farmers’ Market.
For more information about Try Transit Week, visit www.katbus.com or call 865-637-3000.