Knoxville Mayor Daniel Brown and Police Chief David Rausch awarded the Purple Heart to Knoxville Police Department Officer Brandon Stryker. Officer Stryker has been with the department since 2006.
Chief Rausch said that on September 2, 2010, Officer Stryker was actively investigating the homicide of S & S Cafeteria employee Daniel Charles Giles. Giles was shot during a robbery of the business. Information developed by investigators resulted in the identification of a possible suspect. That suspect was identified as Michael Chesney.
At approximately 6:38 p.m. on September 3, 2010, Officer Stryker along with several additional officers entered Mr. Chesney's residence on McConnell Street. Mr. Chesney was located hiding in the back bedroom of the apartment.
Chief Rausch said, "As the officers entered the room, the suspect opened fire on the officers. Officer Stryker was hit by one round. Brandon was pulled to safety by his partners as they returned fire."
Officer Stryker was transported to the hospital where he was treated and released.
Chief Rausch said, "Fortunately, Brandon was wearing his bullet resistant vest. The vest performed as designed which greatly reduced the injury sustained by Officer Stryker."