The City of Knoxville's Public Service Department and Fleet Service Division will host an open house for the city's new Salt Brine Mixing and Deployment System from 10:30 a.m. until noon, on Thursday, January 20 at the city's Loraine Street Public Works Complex located at 1400 Loraine Street.
There will be a demonstration of the system at 11 a.m.
The Salt Brine Mixing and Deployment Brine House, was built by public service department employees to produce salt brine for use as a pre-treatment on the city's street prior to ice and snow weather events.
Fleet Services assisted in the deployment design and installation and provided the vehicle modifications needed to make the system operational.
The city used the system on Level I and Level II streets for the first time during the January 8, snow event with great success.
Using salt brine as a pre-treatment saves on salt and public works resource costs and it's anticipated the program will pay for itself in a single winter.
Learn more about the City's brine system and snow/ice removal plan at