Sunday, August 14 is the deadline to sign-up to be included in the first round of cart deliveries. The first group will start receiving carts the week of August 29 through September 16. Citizens will collect recyclables in one large cart, and start rolling it to the curb the beginning of October based on a biweekly pick up schedule.
"We are pushing for as many early registrations for the program as possible," says David Brace, deputy director of public service. "The more carts we can deliver in the first round, the faster we start diverting material from the landfill."
As Tax Free Weekend approaches, the City will be signing people up onsite at both Knoxville malls, and those who sign up can receive a free inhome recycling bin. Booths will be set up for mall hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the main entrance to both malls.
Participants will have the opportunity to sign up for RecycleBank Rewards earning points toward coupons and discounts at both local and national retailers. With RecycleBank, the more you recycle, the more you points you can redeem for savings.
The program is for the first 20,000 households that sign up. While households will be able to sign-up after Sunday, August 14, their cart will not be delivered in September. The City expects carts to be delivered and service to start for these sign-ups to be in the late fall.
The curbside recycling program makes recycling incredibly easy with no sorting, a rolling cart that is provided by the City and pick-up at the curb, every other week.
Citizens are encouraged to sign-up and to tell their friends and family about this new opportunity. More details on the program can be found at or by calling 311.